muse ariadne writing club

479 updates
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hiiii id love 2 join !!! ( (i havent set it up yet but im working on it !! :3)
tehuan 1 year ago

ah, lovely to have you ! will add you soon

fuck salvador dali for being evil. that said, here's this week's prompt: write a piece inspired by two famous dali paintings-- persistence of memory and the elephants. consider exploring movement, slowness/speed, heat/cold, and warped sensations. if you want links to the paintings, check our home or prompts page, since neocities won't let me link it here.
michaelmas 1 year ago

I just want to say that you come up with the most interesting, thought provoking prompts. I can't think of anyone more suited to run this club! I hope to catch up & write last week's prompt today.

tehuan 1 year ago

you're so sweet, thank you so much! i'm so glad they bring something out for you :] it's honestly a really fun creative exercise just to come up with them ! excited to see what you write for both last week & this week's prompts !

kph 1 year ago

Yeah, 100% agreed. There's already so much variety! It all feels fresh. Thanks so much for organizing!!!!

tehuan 1 year ago

thank you as well ^)^ it's wonderful to hear that people are liking the prompts so far-- i can't wait to keep making them and read all your writing for them, too !

museariadne 1 year ago

added three people to the members list!

I was instantly inspired by your latest writing prompt, so I wrote an entry and decided to join: I'll be linking back to the writing club within each post as a text link, which you can see in my first entry. Here's my button link to join the club:
tehuan 1 year ago

i'm so glad to hear you felt inspired ! adding you to the members page now

1 like
Hi! I've just made a muse page for myself. if it's everything alright, my button is on the same page. Hoping to catch up with all the prompts as soon as possible!
tehuan 1 year ago

wonderful ! adding you to the members page now :]

1 like
week 2 is up! b( ̄▽ ̄)d
michaelmas 1 year ago

Woah, your words paint such a scenic picture filled with so many different emotions. I wish I could ride in the car with you, see the dew.

vagueshape 1 year ago

@vashti I so badly wish I could take a picture of it, but its also a very narrow road with a dropoff on either side so stopping or pulling over isn't an option :( I wish everyone could see it

i think this is really fun and i'd like to toss my hat in the ring. &
tehuan 1 year ago

wonderful ! i’ll add you to the members page later today

1 like
dogblog 1 year ago

I love your poem for this week's prompt!

2 likes did another confessional thing because my mind still can't relax enough for anything more... literary... heh :,) maybe next week
alicebluef0f8ff 1 year ago

Beautiful, i find it super hard to respond as i ended up relating harder than i expected... you're a great writer :)

2 likes i finally managed to work out a response to this week's prompt! it's a little experimental, hopefully evocative of talking to yourself at midnight when everyone's asleep. not my best work, but it made me feel some emotions i hadn't felt in a while ☺
dogblog 1 year ago

"I think if purgatory was real, it would be a girl's bedroom at midnight." It's so true, and funny at the same time! Loved this piece.

finished a poem response to this week's prompt ^)^ not my best work, but i enjoyed writing it !
owlroost 1 year ago

I think it's pretty darn good! And it resonates- it's interesting how places like bus stops make one aware of the passage of time by means of waiting.

tehuan 1 year ago

thank you sm !! definitely. it feels esp for weird as someone with chronic illness, bc it’s sort of that moment of finally letting myself relax while i wait n all the weird sensations that come with it. lots of sensations and such awareness

dogblog 1 year ago

very real and relatable

1 like
kph 1 year ago

God, I know that feeling. Brain racing ahead while the body puts down roots, the weird vanishing publicness of it all. Love this!

1 like

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writing club prompts