I just want to say that you come up with the most interesting, thought provoking prompts. I can't think of anyone more suited to run this club! I hope to catch up & write last week's prompt today.
you're so sweet, thank you so much! i'm so glad they bring something out for you :] it's honestly a really fun creative exercise just to come up with them ! excited to see what you write for both last week & this week's prompts !
Yeah, 100% agreed. There's already so much variety! It all feels fresh. Thanks so much for organizing!!!!
thank you as well ^)^ it's wonderful to hear that people are liking the prompts so far-- i can't wait to keep making them and read all your writing for them, too !
Woah, your words paint such a scenic picture filled with so many different emotions. I wish I could ride in the car with you, see the dew.
@vashti I so badly wish I could take a picture of it, but its also a very narrow road with a dropoff on either side so stopping or pulling over isn't an option :( I wish everyone could see it
Beautiful, i find it super hard to respond as i ended up relating harder than i expected... you're a great writer :)
"I think if purgatory was real, it would be a girl's bedroom at midnight." It's so true, and funny at the same time! Loved this piece.
I think it's pretty darn good! And it resonates- it's interesting how places like bus stops make one aware of the passage of time by means of waiting.
thank you sm !! definitely. it feels esp for weird as someone with chronic illness, bc it’s sort of that moment of finally letting myself relax while i wait n all the weird sensations that come with it. lots of sensations and such awareness
God, I know that feeling. Brain racing ahead while the body puts down roots, the weird vanishing publicness of it all. Love this!
ah, lovely to have you ! will add you soon