
1,577 updates
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Astraplex was updated.
4 days ago
Astraplex was updated.
2 weeks ago
my freakin' computer won't function because windows forced another unsolicited update on me so when I log in I get nothing but a black screen and a cursor. Nothing I've done has fixed it. I guess i'll have to get a new graphics driver because they can't possible anyone being willing to shell out on increasingly expensive hardware on pain of having their 'puters bricked. This. Is a fucking extortion racket.
1 like
numbersstory 2 weeks ago

best of luck :(

1 like
Astraplex was updated.
2 weeks ago
Astraplex was updated.
3 weeks ago
Astraplex was updated.
4 weeks ago
A hand is outstretched as you are thanked dearly for joining us. You grasp the hand with reluctance, noting its number of digits which buck the tradition on your planet. You feel a certain sharpness, a jolt of electricity as the fingers extend spreading their way down your wrist. A sense of weightlessness and mild vacancy ebbs its way into your consciousness as your vision begins to fade.
vegacollective 1 month ago

A ringing in your ears suddenly returns you to focus as an unfamiliar figure clad in a white shirt and Yellow tie apologetically finishes pulling a pair of white cotton cloves onto your hands, before presenting you with a warm smile and a tin of Misc Fish Bits. UBWU

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Holy crap. 10000 views! Thanks everyone!
Astraplex was updated.
1 month ago

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedJan 11, 2021
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worldbuilding 2000s writing fantasy