MiaQc Archive/Explicit Archive

6,328 updates
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Flavicon added.
Done. All English podfics are separated. I can't believe it only took 1 hour to do. I feel as if it took me hours to complete.
I also intent, once everything else is split into pages, is to repost my fanfics & original works with the website's CSS style.
French podfics are splitted. Will do the english ones ASAP.
My cats' photos are now splitted on 8 pages instead of only 1 for the 150+ of them. Tomorrow I'll work to split my podifcs and others elements that need to be done.
I'm trying to figure out how the change the buttons' colors inside the script code I used for them. I have given up much later. I couldn't find any code that work.

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Last updated 3 minutes ago
CreatedNov 22, 2024
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