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regarding the AI thing gremlin and i have been talking about: it doesn't sound like the Penelope AI is anything more than an analytical engine; sort of an "autocorrect for your code" type of thing. The problem is that KD hasnt said which API Penelope is based on, so there could easily be a corporate datascraper on the other side of it.
gremlin 1 month ago

I don't know if it is a scraper involved. However the facts of the matter are that Kyle tried at least twice to add "coding assistants" to neocities despite understanding that AI/ML A: Contributes significantly to climate change and B: The neocities crowd is against this kind of stuff, we came here to avoid some the issues that plauge the modern web

gremlin 1 month ago

C: Kyle has stated on reddit that the plan is only on hold, it could very well still happen

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gremlin 1 month ago

So for the sake of being fair, Kyle acted pretty shady and could have potentially thought about scraping the data or selling it to AI companies to use BUT so far there is no proof of that so thats not what I am saying.

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gremlin 1 month ago

What there is proof of is coding assistants being added to the neocities text editor! These got added under the guise that they help and assist new webdevs HOWEVER the code produced by "coding assistants" is notorious for presenting code that is way more trouble then it's worth. What this will realistically result in is more lower quality web pages that don't function or require more time to fix then code that you-

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gremlin 1 month ago

- could have made yourself

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gremlin 1 month ago

Anyways no, it's was not just autocorrect. When it was functional you would ask it a question, it would give a response based off that question.

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