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EXACTLY THIS !!! i cant go on my feed without seeing some 'cutegore' site tagged as 'cute' or 'cutecore'/some 4channer lottie wannabe... listen, i LOVE expressiveness, but these things (specially,,, oh, i dunno, LITERAL G0RE???) without warning should not be welcome here!!!
omfg literally ๐ญ
@drizzle help i cant stop laughing. lottie wannabe is so accurate ๐ญ
ohhhh that knocks me out of my gourd sooo bad like learn how 2 tag or GOOOOOO!!!!
The "4chan uwu ๐ฅบ๐" people ๐๐
This is so true thereโs literally a school shooter fan page in one of my tags. I get jumpscared everytime..
@sweetheartmemory OH MY GOODNESS ๐ญ Theyre fuckin pathetic dear lord