eeeee crappy preview. I recently removed my little load screen but It´s still a little stuck
My option to download my entire site is still there... A hard refresh doesn't change that either
Okay so turns out it´s because my website is too big in file size... When I try to download it using a specific url, it gives me that notification. Well that sucks. Didn´t knew there was a limit.
well time to host more images off site I guess. I already keep them very small but it´s still too big to host them all ig.
That's super weird, I'd think it would let you download your site regardless of size as long as you have enough space on your computer 🤔 That really sucks if that remains true
A temporary solution you could try is to save the pages individually by going to the page on the website and doing CTRL+S, but this could create a lot of redundant files due to the way it works (ex. extraneous copies of a shared CSS file). There's also sites that offer the ability to download an entire site, but the one I visited smelt fishy...
yea unfortunetely it´s true. I reduced the size. I was at 164mb. (I´m at 129mb now) and at around 140mb it let´s me download the site again, which means this is the maxium it can handle. I think downloading it any other way would be a little too complicated and yea.. idk which services are trustworthy. So I guess it´s best to keep the whole site size as small as possible. For art and image heavy sites its kinda meh
I think they could mention the max file size somewhere. I feel like not many know this. I mean most sites will probably not even reach that size but for everyone who has a lot of images/ big files it will get huge. Saw someone with a 1.5G site before. lol
Maybe this is something worth asking Neocities support about? 164 megabytes doesn't even breach the data limit for free users (1 gigabyte) and it seems like such an arbitrary limit for a Supporter
Oh yes. Thanks for reminding me. They did answer: "Yes, the reason for the limit was that there were stability issues with it unfortunately. We're working on a better solution for this in the future, my apologies for the delay."