OwlMan on Neocities

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i love your website so much.. i keep coming back to it and it truly is a labyrinth of interesting things! i haven't read everything due to time, but i enjoy your owlman library content especially.
owlman 6 years ago

Thank you so much for that comment, I do try my best in writing and I know I sometimes slip up, but I always try my hardest. Thanks for the nice words!

kenny46140 6 years ago

Yup, Owlman is a piece of work. Am sure alotta folks keep an eye on his page(s) and posts. He seems like a really cool guy! You're all over the board, Owlman dude! Can anyone disagree with these statements? I get this made-up song in my head: "It's Owlman, Owlman. Ya never really know what he's gonna do. Owlman, Owlman. Give him a kiss before he kisses you!" You Rock, Owlman !!! :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

His thick accent, though. Geesh! Listen... Oh, you hear it and you know it. I thought 'mine' was bad. Tone it down, man! ;)

owlman 6 years ago

I have two question: First, what's up with the "Give him a kiss before he kisses you" part? Do you think I'm flirting with you or something? Second, how do I have a thick accent? The only place where you could have possibly of heard my voice is on one of my shitty videos where I put on a almost robotic voice so it doesn't sound anything like me.

kenny46140 6 years ago

Dude, I was/am complementing you. Like; "laughing with you, not at you", catch? Are you serious? C'mon... If so: I'm not your enemy, man. I honestly think you rock, you're cool, and the voice/song thing is made-up/imagined stuff while I read. You get it. Phew, Geez-Louise! Now, get ta laughing ya turkey! :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Oh, and... I think alotta us neo-folks agree that yer cool, right?

kenny46140 6 years ago

If you're really serious, man... you misread me there. You cool?

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hosma 6 years ago

@kenny46140 sounds like a nice song, is there more to it? And I agree, owlman rocks :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Hosma, it was just a "jingle" like everybody does. Some whistle, some sing, etc. We all do it and that's all it was/is. Owlman knows better. Will explain more here later this morning. Owlman, I know you know better. Very proud of you! :)


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CreatedJan 5, 2016
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