OwlMan on Neocities

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So I'm making a weird thing right now and I need music that I can legally use (ie Creative Commons), please reply to this with a link to said music, cheers!
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hosma 7 years ago

I can (((try))) to write you something og just let me know what you want

strata 7 years ago

The whole album is CC, but I don't know if it fits your ideas.

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owlman 7 years ago

@hosma, If you make me something, I feel like I would need to pay you in cash, also, I with I could @ people

floppyjay 7 years ago

You can use any floppyjay music, and you can use music from me and my brother's band ( if you would like. I also wish to offer original works created specifically for whatever this project is as well, but I might be too late to the party.

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hosma 7 years ago

@THE OwlMan even if I wanted you to there's no way for you to send me money h-haha...

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedJan 5, 2016
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