OwlMan on Neocities

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Like if your a TRUE AMERICAN!
kenny46140 6 years ago

Good one, dude! I never saw that one. It's a Billboard from 2013 which reads; "America-Bless God" by L&W whatever that is and is on I-69 near Marion, Indiana. It bears the stars and bars behind a large head of an eagle. So, like... you're saying what? "Like, Gag me with a Spoon" or People Are Stupid for wasting their money on billboards? Both are good!

owlman 6 years ago

God bless you too, Kenny o7

kenny46140 6 years ago

If you are speaking politically, then; A True American Ripped it Down Long Ago because church and state aren't supposed to mix. That kinda crap a lot of people don't really give a rat's hairy one about. If I would have seen that back then , dude... I'd have just shrugged, smerked and went on like everybody else. Why are you wasting your time with that crap, anyway?

kenny46140 6 years ago

Oh, "your" Welcome, man.

kenny46140 6 years ago

And Indiana DOES have some... well, different(?) kinds of people living there.

kenny46140 6 years ago

I just looked at it again (FOR SOME REASON, Ack) and it looks like an animated gif (on my old page) that I made years ago! Funny!

owlman 6 years ago

I'm not going to read what you wrote, just a heads up

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Sorry, Owlman. Didn't mean any offense, if you were offended. T-I-D-W is right, various billboards like that one are everywhere (esp. with the "no-stopping" sign there). People do stop and take photos of them. It's cool. You cool?

kenny46140 6 years ago

Owlman; an older relative if mine said that a "true" American is one born, raised and died here, while a "real" American is what we are. After I showed that billboard to another relative (informing him that you are British), he said you were actually making fun of me personally considering the zip-code after my name. I said, naw... he(you) and I kinda razz each other and he's(you're) a cool dude. (cont.... >)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Ya can't stop a car there on the interstate neither a wheelchair van, but some of my friends and relatives offered to get a drive-by photo with an owl bobble or a paper with "Hi, Owl-Man!" on it. I wanna see what it looks like today, not from 2013. Yer cool.

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CreatedJan 5, 2016
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