Internet Bee

10,150 updates
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I hath spilled water on my laptop!! oopsie woopsie!!! twas minor and I'm fairly sure I have mitigated any damage–thoughts & prayers pls as it sits open upsidedown in front of an lil fan for a few days–but yea i won't be working on my site for awhile because of this... . just a broadcast message to Neocities land! hope yall are doing well on the Internet x
internetbee 1 year ago

THE LAPPY HATH SURVIVED she has a few little spots on the monitor where some water got in but other than that everything seems fine & dandy WHEW

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hello i am separating my blog from one giant scrolly page into separate pages for each entry
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internetbee 1 year ago

about: deleted IG link because i'm no longer using it, added Pixelfed (art sharing), Mastodon (OFMD social feed), and Letterboxd (movies); index: replaced Districts (rip) with Neo-Neighborhoods

arlita 1 year ago

wow i love these photos O:

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been trying to publish a blog entry for days now but i can't get this frickin YT embed to work

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedDec 1, 2018
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videogames art pixels graphicdesign