
943 updates
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So I thought, maybe I could make one! Would you be interested in joining? I don't know when it would happen but working on my neocities website has been my recent hyperfixation haha, so I want to tackle this new thing. :))
flying-with-quills 4 months ago

If you ever become active again, I finally made it! ^-^

Hi there! Sorry if this is unprompted or unwelcome, but I've been thinking of a project over the past weeks -- since I've been coding my own website (sort of -- making some jargon from Tumblr pages and other resources) I've come across webrings and I thought they were pretty cool. The rings listed on sadgrl's site really attracted me, but... It seems there isn't a space specifically for Christians.
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1 year ago
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedSep 21, 2021
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