
4,323 updates
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fyi if you're using firefox v 128, they enabled some convoluted form of adtracking and can't be bothered to explain it in simple terms
jacs was updated.
1 week ago
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jacsknife 1 week ago

Some images and links may be broken while I reorganize some things.

added a favicon! it moves! (in firefox)
jacs was updated.
3 weeks ago
1 like
jacs was updated.
1 month ago
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jacsknife 1 month ago

added individual rss feeds for abp, farmerfennel, and darlingvillainess pages

hi hi! My indecisive self finally picked an rss reader; wanted to let you know yours is the first feed I followed! ^^
1 like
aquariumaesthetic 1 month ago

OMG you are too sweet!! XD Having an RSS reader really transformed my relationship with the web, and I wish more sites both indie and mainstream had them LOL!

1 like
aquariumaesthetic 1 month ago

P.S. your test post went through! :)

1 like
jacsknife 1 month ago

You started it :3 Also yeah! I finally figure out how to use them and nobody has them anymore TwT

jacsknife 1 month ago

thanks for letting me know! I'm trying to figure out how to get the images into the feed itself. I tried like three methods but I think the wrong one stuck to that test post lol

jacs was updated.
1 month ago
jacs was updated.
1 month ago
jacsknife 1 month ago

lol flashbang again sorry. there's something there i swear! it's just hiding

jacs was updated.
1 month ago
1 like
jacs was updated.
2 months ago
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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedFeb 28, 2024
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