Control Core Angel

37,287 updates
2 tips
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not neocities going down for a sec while IM IN THE MIDDLE OF CODING
actually would anyone be interested in roblox journal-esque posts about the ttrpg im in currently? i know i have lostocts primarily for this purpose ( if youre interested) but those are told from my primary characters pov as opposed to my ooc pov. i dunno. whenever i give recaps to iron he always really enjoys it so idk if anyone else would be the same here
i could fix my pages. or. or. i could hoard more graphics and then never update my graphics pages.
controlcoreangel 1 month ago

five likes... this is called enabling

1 like
hi new followers ur all so cool
undergarden 2 months ago

Except me /j

controlcoreangel 2 months ago

fuck little (undergarden) in specific

oh cool the code editor broke while i was in the middle of coding :/
controlcoreangel 2 months ago

its fine on chrome but i hate chrome i rather explode

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controlcoreangel 2 months ago

guess im coding on chrome now. blegh. hopefully a restart will fix the issue on firefox but im too sick/tired to do that rnnnnnn

controlcoreangel 2 months ago

roblox journal not fully restored, just partly. there are literally so many images on it its insane

oh right i didnt say that my main bricked again. today she powered back on, but died when i unplugged and replugged my external trackpad. probably caused a short, or is sapping too much power. either way, i think weve found our culprit?
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changed my spare macbooks screen resolution to "default for display".... AND GUYS !! MY SITE LOOKS NORMAL NOW!!! I CAN READ TEXT WITHOUT HAVING TO SQUINT!!!! WTF !!!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedNov 12, 2021
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