The web site of maverickhuntersnow

608 updates
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looks mint mate
waaait hold on you hooked up YOUR guestbook to MY data sheet for mine this is so funny oh my god. check out ayanos tutorial to set up ur own ->
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maverickhuntersnow 3 weeks ago

fixed it, sorry. I did the og guestbook at midnight and diddnt see you send the link to ayano's code.

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controlcoreangel 2 weeks ago

LMAOOOO its okay its really funny i saw new data on my spreadsheet and went "whered this come from? this doesnt end with the right page..." then realized THAT FUCKING MAVERICK HUNTER!!!!! cant trust those bastards i hope sigma blows u up with a laser /LHJ

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maverickhuntersnow 2 weeks ago

*insert that gif here of the cat flipping over with explosion effect*

may be a daft question but is there anywhere i can get a guestbook with no ads that customisable or is there anyway for neocities to support php files.
maverickhuntersnow 3 weeks ago

nevermind I have found a solution

nvm, guestbook will be updated today
not sure how to archive the old one
gonna get a new guestbook
alright, a lot of cleaning up done. Some changes left to do
fuck it the whole website is gonna get an overhaul
might change the gaming section to just be a general blog section

Website Stats

Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedFeb 16, 2023
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