The web site of gruzzlebear

492 updates
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Update log 2/12/25 (part two!) . - Missing files replaced. - Added two new songs to music player, renamed one, replaced file for one (should no longer display youtube error!) - Background and side image on egg page have been changed. - Welcome Home scrolling buttons have been fixed.
Some files on my site are broken right now, as they are hosted on filegarden. It's out of my hands, I can only hope it gets fixed eventually
Update log 2/12/25. - Fixed bottom scrolling AlongComesMary site button. - Added egg page. - Added cry for help regarding eggs on homepage. Please click on my eggs
I'd like to start paying more attention to this again..I've been very busy this year (this is a lie)! I'd very much like to figure out CSS and all that stuff, so complicated...Scary scary. - Trace
WEBBED SITE UPDATE LOG 7-21-24 / Changed domain from Gruzzlebear to Densys / New featured video / ALONGCOMESMARY scrolling button fixed. Go check it out, very cool page!!
New featured video! Also, I am starting to move all of my images and videos and non-code things to a different file hosting site. Yippee!
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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 5, 2023
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