
4,716 updates
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EEE TY FOR THE FOLLOW!! I love your site's coloring :D more people should like blue and lilac color schemes
hightide3ra 3 months ago

thank you! i'm a little surprised that it's not more common.

1 like
I love your site so much!!!! My website is small but im planning to make a Yotsubato shrine soon .(。→‿←。) Im not sure how to do it but someone should start a Yotsubato webring...that would be awesome!
1 like
amari-ga-shin-da 3 months ago

Oh my god this is one of the nicest things anyone has said to me on neocities ;; YOUR WEBSITE IS ALSO SOO CUTE IM GOING TO DIE TYSM!! I would love a yotsuba or a chocomimi webring since they're so ingrained into my life ;; TYSM AGAIN!!!

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a-zone 3 months ago

Omg ofc!!! Your website was just SO amazing when I found it… was literally in LOVE with the whole look!!

1 like
amari-ga-shin-da 3 months ago

NO WAY!! I was worried it was too unorganized or boring since it's all basic html (I'm dumb when it comes to css) but really thank you ;;

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happy monday-tuesday amari
amari-ga-shin-da 3 months ago

Happy monday to you too :D Thank you for the follow!!

amari-ga-shin-da 3 months ago

your art is so cute !! I'm looking forward to your website :]

1 like
schooltown 3 months ago

thank youuuu :)

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedFeb 26, 2022
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art anime cute oldweb lolita