chai's temp space

46 updates
0 tips
Neat site!! Excited to see more of your stuff! ♡
Thank you for following :D I know I can't exactly say anything about your site yet (sorry about that ^^;), but from what I can already see I can imagine it'll grow into something really cozy and warm looking! The N nendoroid is really cute too! Seeing that you're a fan of BW and a gamedev as well hits close to home since my oldest brother is also those two. Once again thank you! I hope to see what your blog will be!
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chaicrow 2 months ago

Omg thank you so much!! Your words mean a lot, I'm excited to continue working on my page :D Your brother sounds like a cool person!!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJan 18, 2025
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gamedev art cartoons anime videogames