
6,003 updates
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THANKS FOR FOLLOWING!! I haven't even visited yet and I'm already in love with the Sora and Otomachi Una in your thumbnail!! (After visiting) Your 2000s/sky theme is so interesting!! All of your interests and way of speaking remind me so much of people I know, so its really interesting to see just how close to home things really can be (You're so sweet!) Your art style, themes, game collection and EVERYTHING is
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amari-ga-shin-da 3 weeks ago

(Cont. ^^;) Really cool so thank you again!!

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00s 3 weeks ago


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Thank you for following! Your website is ADORABLE!! It actually looks so much like an old fc2/sozai blog I really thought it was visiting from another link XD Your favorites are really cool too!! (I'm writing while wearing my own Cowboy Bebop shirt XD) Seeing your old photos and interests reminds me so much of my older cousin who's around your age, so thank you for following!!
amari-ga-shin-da 3 weeks ago

P.S. Cardcaptor Sakura fans unite :]

Thank you so much for following!! Sorry it took too long to respond, I actually wrote a comment earlier but closed the window ^^; I really like your site though! I really enjoy the cyber-edge that I'm getting from your site... Like a blog from the late 90s to the early 2000s, it's really neat and contrasts well with the modern look of Freiren and the Kpop groups! Kind of like a time machine, hm? Thanks again!! :D
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d-w-o-o-w-b 3 weeks ago

Hi amarigashinda! Thanks for the kindness and compliments towards my website! I'm trying to retain the "geocities" aesthetics while having a modern structure/functionality; "cyber-edge" is an exact description of my website. It still needs alot of work. I love the japanese style that is present in your website, almost like a blast from the past. It gives me this rom-com anime vibe like Ranma 1/2 or even Lucky Star.

d-w-o-o-w-b 3 weeks ago

I forgot to add that the aesthetics of your website also remind me of an anime called "Haruhi Suzumiya".

d-w-o-o-w-b 3 weeks ago

If you don't know what Haruhi Suzumiya is, then here's a music snippet from youtube:

Thank you for visiting my site!! I know I always relate my comments to food and the senses... but I truly think your website has the sweetness of a strawberry milkshake or maybe cotton candy! I also LOVE the Milk and Mocha graphics and the little Shirousa in the corner!! Your sitemap page is also adorable...I love the apples!!! Once again thank you :]
vickkuma 4 weeks ago


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vickkuma 4 weeks ago

i have so many nostalgic and warm feelings looking through your site :) it feels so nice that u love mine just as much as i love urs btw ^^

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WOWOW! Thanks so much for following!! I am in LOVE with your retro theme!!! The citrusy colors, real images of trinkets, your art, and even the Yosuke on your about!!! Your site is honestly what I hope my site could look like someday (even if we have different styles) I really LOVE the retro/Heisei-era feel so much so THANK YOU THANK YOU for following!!! (P.S. I need those Danbo keychains :]c)
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Thank you for following me!! I think the white and magenta theme is really interesting, it reminds me a lot of those girly websites I used to play on when I was little (GirlsGoGames!) Your art style is so cool too!! The thick lines and bright colors go well together, they make your drawings look really poppy and cool! Thank you again :D
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cyberstheb 3 weeks ago

omg thank you! i loved playing on these sites when i was a kid and i looove sites with this aesthetic.. i'm glad you liked it :D didn't know my site had this aesthetic hahahauha also your art is sooo cute!!! love it <33

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CreatedFeb 26, 2022
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art anime oldweb cute lolita