Hi amarigashinda! Thanks for the kindness and compliments towards my website! I'm trying to retain the "geocities" aesthetics while having a modern structure/functionality; "cyber-edge" is an exact description of my website. It still needs alot of work. I love the japanese style that is present in your website, almost like a blast from the past. It gives me this rom-com anime vibe like Ranma 1/2 or even Lucky Star.
I forgot to add that the aesthetics of your website also remind me of an anime called "Haruhi Suzumiya".
If you don't know what Haruhi Suzumiya is, then here's a music snippet from youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8BTfRQV6O0
i have so many nostalgic and warm feelings looking through your site :) it feels so nice that u love mine just as much as i love urs btw ^^
omg thank you! i loved playing on these sites when i was a kid and i looove sites with this aesthetic.. i'm glad you liked it :D didn't know my site had this aesthetic hahahauha also your art is sooo cute!!! love it <33
(Cont. ^^;) Really cool so thank you again!!