AaaaaaaaaaaAAaaaaAAaaaa this fr made me want to cry..... thank you so much. your flipnote animations are SO cool i loved going on my ds and looking at those.... i really like the halloween version's music!!! :P
You're too kind! You really remind me of my oldest brother XD oh also the Halloween music is "車窓と雨とそれから私" one of my favorite tracks from Koshotengai no Hashihime! The game has a really nice soundtrack, so I really recommend checking it out! (Link:
Don't worry don't worry :D as long as you got the message that's all that matters! I'm also really shy so most of the time that's why my own letters are late to people who follow me ^^;
thanks for the following too!!! i rrly like your site design so following you was a must! and yeah i'm pretty excited to code more cool things so keep an eye on that (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
OMG! thx so much! ur website is also so cute. ur guestbook is also so nicely decorated, i love ur mini calendar (i cant read japanese 😅) thank you so much for following
omggg tysmmmm this made my day!!!! (≧◡≦)