
4,110 updates
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I have to second nimrav and say your homepage looks amazing and i cant wait to see more, esp of your art!
I really love your site. As someone who was so obsessed with SAO to have my entire skype profile be Kirito and my girlfriends skype profile was Asuna (at the time before I was ppre-ubescent and pre-gay). I just love you are creating alternative narratives/worlds for SAO esp season 2. I also love your manifesto and think your website it is completely inspiring and working against the endless cycle of working!
saturn7 1 year ago

i'm so glad you like it!!! SAO was so formative for me. i love it so much but there are definitely some things about it that i'm much more critical of as i've grown older. i'm glad you like my manifesto :) i kind of felt a little silly writing it, like isn't this kind of dramatic, but it is how i genuinely feel! and my website helps me take control of my life and express myself!!

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Okay! So I am attempting to turn my site's homepage into a summer theme! Please look at the new background and ignore the weird color scheme on my boxes, still trying to figure out the css there.
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aidiapink 1 year ago

Stay Pink!

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100k views! Numbers are pretty whatever but I just want to say I really appreciate this community of neocities and hope we can all keep creating together <3
aidiapink 1 year ago

check out the my nightclub friends :3

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aidiapink 1 year ago

I really want this page to be an automated rotating playlist centered around this image, but I suck at coding and want to make it so when a song ends it goes to the next webpage in a list. If anyone knows time based javascript pls lmk. But right now enjoy opening night at my club <3

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ah ty for the follow !!! <3 your aesthetic is so beautiful hehe
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aidiapink 1 year ago

no u! I love your art style and I am obsessed w deer and then you add a vibey nature/digital/green aesthetic and I cant help but follow :3 all the best <3

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aidiapink 1 year ago

hella work in progress...

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This comic is so great so far. I love the main characte's goth christian queer womanhood vibes. Also the idea of not drawing something meaning it is lost in the context of a post-apocalyptic/end of the world scenario is literally the coolest most meta thing ever. Keep up the amazing work!
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bubbledx 1 year ago

Oh what a bliss to have the first comment here be such a thoughtful one! Thanks a lot, I'm really happy that you're enjoying the comic ^^

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CreatedOct 3, 2021
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art anime yaoi bl queer