Girl and the Sea

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Sometimes observing the Neocities feed leads to a feeling of "jesus, the kids are annoying" but I quickly realized that's a valuable thing. Truly intergenerational spaces on the web are really rare in present day.
sakana 9 months ago

When I was 14 (circa 2003) and a regular of some forums and chatrooms, they had a common feature: the same channels were occupied by both grown adults and inexperienced children who spoke to each other. You got the sense there was a divide by age - all the kids/teens were friends with each other and all the adults stuck to themselves, but I learned a lot being in that environment and it helped me mature.

sakana 9 months ago

There's movies, bands, books etc I never would've known otherwise. And there were times I needed someone older to tell me I was being silly and needed to chill out about something. And I needed to know the 75 year old lady who lived in a retirement village and spent all day drawing cats on MS paint to understand you can do whatever you want and life only ends when you're dead.

allyratworld 9 months ago

older people on the internet are the biggest reason I'm still on the internet now. If i hadn't been exposed to adults doing fun, cute, childish things i probably would've given up all my hobbies at the end of highschool to try and be "more mature" like everyone else did

sakana 9 months ago

^ Great point. Only counter to the feeling of "oh man these things near and dear to my heart are too childish, am I supposed to discard them and move on?" is to see adults participating in those hobbies, having fun and doing fine.

tojisworld 9 months ago

I remember I was no better when I was their age heh.

dedroll 9 months ago

Having childish hobby is better rather than not having any, I think one of the healthiest thing to have

xxhalfemptyxx 8 months ago

thanks for making me look back at the past, i just realized how valuable the adults who i conversed with in club penguin rewritten and universe really are!

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