rose dryad (v.2)

2,156 updates
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heart143 2 years ago

the pens are super cute!!!

vastrecs 2 years ago

these look so cute!!

Do you use any programs to code your site or do you just like type it in Neocities directly? I've been using Notepad mostly but I remember using... I think it's called Dreamweaver... just to preview the code before it goes live. Is that still a thing or is there something better now?
vastrecs 2 years ago

personally i just type it directly in the neocities editor but i heard notepad++ and codepen are good editors

1 like
heart143 2 years ago

I use Sublime Text. I think editing in the Neocities editor is so slow x_x Using a separate text editor program is more convenient imo, especially since you can view what your work will look like in the browser without having to make it public all the time you update to view your progress

irony-machine 2 years ago

I use VSCode, saves a lot of typing (sublime text too)

1 like
thank you for the follow!! your site looks so pretty!!
1 like
super cute site!! ur coding is super good :O
1 like
rosedryad 2 years ago

thank you!! :D

Website Stats

Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedDec 12, 2021
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pixels pixelart personal art cute