write the dreams down!

385 updates
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noodledesk 1 year ago

new korean resources page :)

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letslearntogether 1 year ago

Nice! I so want to get back to my CJK studies. When it comes to Korean, "Let's Speak Korean" is my happy place:

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letslearntogether 1 year ago

Thank you so much for sharing! Some links I haven't seen before.

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noodledesk 1 year ago

omg your page is BEAUTIFUL there are so many links here!! i'm so excited to dig through :) thank you for sharing as well - i've never heard of "let's speak korean", but i peeked at a video and it seems lovely. <3

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letslearntogether 1 year ago

Yay! I'm glad. I hope it is helpful. Is it okay if I put a link to your resource page on it?

1 like
noodledesk 1 year ago

yes of course!! that sounds wonderful :)

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just wanted to tell you i've put your button on my site <3 i love looking at your artwork!
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danimotora 1 year ago

thank you!! I added your button to my site as well :-) I love how you've decorated your site with drawings

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you have such a beautiful website !!! i LOVE the sound :))
i LOVE franny choi's poetry and i think kaveh akbar is pretty cool too :)
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officially been on neocities for a month :)!! and had so much fun so far - i'm excited for all of our next adventures ....
decided to treat myself and become a neocities supporter ... i am so excited abt this hobby!!!
turd 1 year ago

yay! ^o^

1 like
oh my goodness i am so happy i stumbled upon your site!! i can't wait to explore this more tomorrow :))
blamensir 1 year ago

ahhhh that makes me so happy that you like my website!! thank you so much!!! T___T you’re too kind, your site is super cute !!

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CreatedJul 12, 2022
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