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Hey so fun fact if you're going into hospital overnight for anything consider bringing a sleep blindfold with you, can't completely turn off room lights, and I'm just waiting to pass out from exhaustion at this point seeing as I ain't gonna be able to naturally doze off with that lighting up the whole room when I'm trying to get some gosh darn sleep before my procedure damnit
leichpfand 3 weeks ago

What happened??

friday-girl 3 weeks ago

basically I'm having a pleurectomy at Some Point today on my left lung to hopefully stop that lung from having any more pneumothoraces (and then in a few weeks I'm supposed to be having the same procedure done on my right lung). really not looking forward to the recovery period.

yeagh 3 weeks ago

good luck

leichpfand 3 weeks ago

Hope it doesn't take long, keep ur spirits up!

friday-girl 3 weeks ago

Well I've had the procedure done and I now have a tube in my side (again) and am in a state of pain and discomfort and having an incredibly dry throat (and idk if these painkillers are doing much at all)

friday-girl 3 weeks ago

okay, turns out that it is in fact possible to turn off the lights on this room.

macrev 3 weeks ago

Get well soon. The docs know what they're doing, if your nurses give you a hard time be sure to ask for one

friday-girl 3 weeks ago

thanks everyone. got some sleep, doing alright today, just had the morphine drip removed (ngl the cannula for that was rather uncomfortable anyway), still a bit high from the morphine, but still got the chest drain though. things looking promising overall. throat still dry but overall slowly starting to feel a bit more human


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