Leichpfands Hölle

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my programming teacher told the hr lady (trans) about me and she has sent me an e-mail telling me to meet up with her when I've got time so I can get the documents I need to change my name in the school registry and that she can help me get acces to like nation-wide name changes and hormones n stuff. It's really cool but I feel like being told irl would've been better it feels kinda weird to just be hit with this
leichpfand 4 days ago

in the middle of a database class no less. It feels kinda cold in some way?? idk, it's a move forward but it's kinda weird cus my colleagues don't really seem like the most supportive people in the world and even though I don't interact with them much it feels weird to change my name before even discussing it with them... I'm too shy for this

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leichpfand 2 weeks ago

My ass did NOT get the job through no fault of my own... Turns out the on-site training is on mornings and weekdays ONLY! So I can't do it, so I can't be hired which is fucking stupid, why would the training be on them orning if the job they're preparing me for is on the evenings?!?!? It doesn't compute and I hate it cus I really had hopes for this...

Re-watched steven universe to make up for my dad's tv-hoarding behaviour through the years. It was actually really good! I barely remember any of it and it was a nice surprise cus everyone has spent the last couple years shitting on it. I like it, I'll finnish season 5 this evening
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leichpfand 3 weeks ago

like it has some issue, mainly with the writing and how they seem to just ignore heavy trauma but the worldbuilding, the music, the style, it's all so charming and unique!! Lapis is such a vibe I wanna be like her

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CreatedJun 16, 2024
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music personal blog trans