doesn't seem like it.. clicking on the dat ejust takes you to the post. thinking of it now this is a really basic feature that ns should have :{
yeah i tried playing around in inspect element too and didn't find anything :L thanks for checking though! weird that neocities doesn't have this
thank you so much!! and thank you for adding that wikipedia unusual articles link on your page, i've been spending so much time on it today lol
changed a lot of things but most notable are resources page and a new review of days (2020), i need to make more commits on git instead of dumping everything all at once lol
i'm very early into house of leaves and it's great so far, i can't wait for it to go off the rails. i've been listening to poe's compainion album a bunch to hype myself up for it!
added a changelog + merged the resources and neighbors page into the links page ^_^