
192 updates
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site looks nice. AND HOLY SHIT IS THAT A MOST WANTED QUOTE? you get my follow.
1 like
Just wanted to say thanks for hit counter and profile stats. A text based and CSS customizable solution was what I was looking for since day one. You're awesome.
dotcomboom 5 years ago

You're very welcome! Sorry about the late reply, I missed your comment.

Thanks for the follow! Definitely found my way into your site on many occasions, less is more.
Thanks for the follow!
nbodyproblem 6 years ago

Thanks for the miracle that is your website.

Thanks for the follow! Very clean site.
Survey: Do you consider making your layouts mobile optimized, or do you not care because Web 1.0?
1 like
joppiesaus 6 years ago

I think I try to make my site somewhat readable for any viewport, but it's not my main focus. My main focus for my website is to experiment stuff regardless if it's good or not.

lancerr 6 years ago

i dont care but not because i like web1.0

hi there! thanks for following, i hope you enjoy my site~ your site's aesthetic is so awesome! ♥ *_*
Your hit counter is exactly what I need. Any consideration for it to output a png instead of jpg? The compression artifact hits hard on the text lacking anti-aliasing.
1 like
melonking 6 years ago

Glad you like it! I just tested jpeg, png, bmp and gif output and I can see no visual difference. I did notice a big reduction in file size though, so the system now outputs gif! Thanks for pointing that out ;3

Are you in supporter tier? How did you upload a webm?

Website Stats

Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedMar 23, 2016
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