
178 updates
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blame1984 16 hours ago

When you realise life is actually going good

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blame1984 4 days ago

I've been procrastinating a lot too, guess we're doomed.

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expressionless 3 days ago

i am so doomed

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expressionless 1 week ago

2 new journal entries, changed the folders layout so lmk if anything no longer works

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frank ocean hits so hard with a cigarette
I've been thinking,,, should I branch out from the diary and add more to the website? Like a poetry page, art page etc.?
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Thank you so much for 1000 views!!! <333
The last paragraph in your february diary entry perfectly describes my troubles recently. I felt very heard by it, thank you <3
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blame1984 2 weeks ago

I've learned that the only way you can really know what gives you purpose is by doing things and observing what fits you right. I had intense thoughts past year about how pointless whatever it is I was doing was and how others had a much more meaningful life. I don't quite know what causes it but jealousy is probably a big factor (for me atleast).

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blame1984 2 weeks ago

Feeling hopelessness, that you're just doomed to have a meaningless, under fulfilling life. But since then, I've been excited about a lot of things that are to come and I don't feel that way anymore, the hopelessness. Now I'm optimistic about my life and am trying to figure things out and see what brings me meaning and happiness. Wishing the best for you <3

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blame1984 2 weeks ago

Sorry I got a bit carried away

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expressionless 2 weeks ago

@blame you didnt get carried away, dw!! yap away king:) I think you're right, I often adopt the native american view that we have no purpose and we are free to enjoy life as we see fit.

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expressionless 2 weeks ago

sorry for the radio silence the past week!! :<

axayacatl 2 weeks ago

i was in a similar position in my last breakup but now im at a point where i prefer being single over being in a relationship. hang in there! good times will come

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expressionless 2 weeks ago

@axy tyy<3 its reassuring to hear im not alone

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blame1984 3 weeks ago

This entry was relatable. There are times when I type out blocks of text in my diary and then erase it completely.

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expressionless 3 weeks ago

@blame1984 I try not to, cuz I just think how interesting those thoughts you try to hide would be for your future self. But, when I publish them, I do sift them out if I find them too cringy so

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CreatedAug 14, 2024
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writing depression lonely blog journaling