♥ Sweethard's Space ♥

4,089 updates
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The old ads you use all over your front page. Hit me with the strangest wave of nostalgia!
sweethard666 3 years ago

Haha - I'm glad, cos that's exactly what they do to me too! I think the ringtone and cursor ads are quintessential to my early internet memories

wow checked out ur site, so cute!!
1 like
sweethard666 3 years ago

Thank you! I love yours too! ♥

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sweethard666 3 years ago

BTW do you have a 88x31 site button? I'd love to link your site ♥

bmh 3 years ago

I love the snow on the Start Menu! Great page! Happy New Year to you!

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sweethard666 3 years ago

@bmh Thank you Brian! (*´▽`*) Happy New Year to you too! I hope it's a good one

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Holy moly... 50,000 views?! I am certain that at least 49,000 of those are from me refreshing my page after coding updates lmao
0x07 3 years ago

Give yourself some credit; you're being overly modest! If praise and recognition were really what you were after, you could triple those numbers within three months! :)

sweethard666 3 years ago

@0x09tf haha oh my... (^-^*)ノ you're too kind! nooo I'm not after anything, I was just pleasantly surprised and mildly perplexed haha!

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0x07 3 years ago

Technically, "bots" might amount to about half of that traffic. On the other hand, you can't go wrong spreading heartfelt virtual kisses and general kindheartedness all over the place! My crystal ball tells me that your numbers will just keep going up... :)

HAI!!!!!!!!!! your site makes me feel an emotion i thought i stopped feeling in 2009. i added your button 2 my site!!!!!! uwo
sweethard666 3 years ago

hahaha i love that sm!!! uwu i will add yours too! xxx

to respond to ur comment on my painting, yes I was totally inspired by the sparkly girl gifs on your site! >:)
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sweethard666 3 years ago

hehe i love it! ♥

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Website Stats

Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedJul 10, 2020
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personal y2k webcore nostalgia geocities