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buff raddish tuesdays.....................................................................................
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owlroost 7 months ago

Buff raddish Tuesdays!

1 like Good reminder of why cloud storage should never be used as a long-term storage solution. The cloud is just someone else's computer; if they lose your data for one reason or another there's a good chance you won't be getting it back
pencilvoid 7 months ago

Buy external storage, and remember the 3-2-1 rule: 3 copies of data, 2 different media, 1 offsite copy

I don't remember where I saw it but I saw someone use "webmattress" as a gender-neutral variant of webmaster/webmistress. God how I wish I came up with that one
pencilvoid 8 months ago

New blog post in which I just list off some browser extensions I think are neat

1 like
Fucked up while trying out Arkenfox on my laptop and had to refresh the profile. Why is the default search engine in Firefox still Google..........
1 like
owlroost 8 months ago

If you need any help with Arkenfox, feel free to shoot me an email! I've set it up enough times to have the core bits down.

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Been thinking about expanding the kinds of art I put in the art gallery. I very rarely create something fully "polished" so I'd like to put sketches and stuff up there too
pencilvoid 8 months ago

Obviously not gonna put up anything pornographic or overly suggestive. Violent/gory stuff *maybe* but I'll put it with a content warning if I do upload stuff like that

wg2k 8 months ago


pencilvoid 8 months ago

No new content or anything just some fixes

it would be cool if HTML natively allowed documents to provide translations. with how much bloat the web has you'd think something like that would have been at least considered by now
i don't remember why i chose purple for my site's index page. it kinda just happened
oneiric-somnolence 8 months ago

because purple fucks

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thanks for following!
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CreatedJun 22, 2018
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art personal pencilvoid