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I think there' s something quite nice about how a dedicated community can take something that seems simple on a surface level and go incredibly in-depth with it. Like Rubik's cubes or marbles.
vm70 10 months ago

The children who compete in Rubik's cube speedsolving competitions organized by the World Cube Association are surprisingly knowledgeable about the official standards and rules.

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owlroost 10 months ago

Pens and stationary! It's a huge rabbit hole when you get into it.

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pencilvoid 10 months ago

Just a couple fixes relating to the new grid page layout

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pencilvoid 10 months ago

Edited the layout a bit with intent of making it easier to read. Let me know if you come across any issues

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owlroost 10 months ago

Simple background option appears to have broken.

pencilvoid 10 months ago

I cannot believe I completely forgot to test that

pencilvoid 10 months ago

Should be fixed now...

Thinking of moving the display controls to their own page... putting it in a widget in the corner limits how big it can be which can make the buttons a pain to use since they're so small
owlroost 10 months ago

Outside input- keeping at least the background controls on the side would be good. That makes it easier for me to navigate and read, so I'd want to tweak those before going to a different page. That's just me, though.

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You ever wonder why there doesn't seem to be many open source video games?
I have lots of thoughts on Minecraft's art style, but nothing coherent enough for a blog post
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pencilvoid 10 months ago

New post in which I talk about the way I use colours in art

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thanks for following!
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thanks for following!
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CreatedJun 22, 2018
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art personal pencilvoid