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NENKOWEB was updated.
4 years ago
softheartclinic 4 years ago

Well put about minimalism! Personally I keep a few decorative items that bring me joy to look at. Not strictly necessary, but nice to have around to make my space feel more relaxing. I definitely agree that it's very personal and each person must find out what works for them.

readingproject 4 years ago

I like your minimalist philosophy, although I can't extend that to my own website like you have done, nor my book collection. But I think I achieve that in most things. I like an uncomplicated life, a kind of minimalism.

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nenko 4 years ago

@softheartclinic: Thanks. It's nice to hear you've found items that you enjoy. It's quite amazing how a few objects can really transform a space and make us feel better. The good thing about minimalism is that when there aren't too many things on display the few items that are there get their own chance to shine. ^_^

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nenko 4 years ago

@readingproject: Thanks. An uncomplicated life is indeed a worthy thing for all of us to pursue. ^_^

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NENKOWEB was updated.
4 years ago
rbuchanan 4 years ago

Three English translations of the pillow book exist. Arthur Waley's rendering is meticulously researched, but its stodgily formal prose belies its source's profoundly personal, feminine essence. Conversely, Meredith McKinney's contemporary translation is nauseatingly familiar; some passages therein read as though indited by an especially obtuse teenager.

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rbuchanan 4 years ago

Ivan Morris' version is ideal: coolly, charmingly, often cattily phrased, never grandiloquent but omitting no rococo details, and tremendously evocative of Shonagon's personality.

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rbuchanan 4 years ago

Howbeit, if you know which Finnish firm was to publish it, you could always contact them to inquire...

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nenko 4 years ago

Thanks for the information about the different versions. If I ever buy the book in English I'll be sure to try to get my hands on the one translated by Morris.

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nenko 4 years ago

I don't really know how long the translation process has been going on for the Finnish version, but it certainly was advertised as a new release back in early 2018. No status updates have been made after that, so who knows what's going on with it.

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NENKOWEB was updated.
4 years ago
NENKOWEB was updated.
4 years ago
rbuchanan 4 years ago

Asus' laptops vary greatly in quality from one model to the next. If you've a backyard, maybe a repose there would help...

2020291 4 years ago

I hope there will be any fix for for that. Mine started to be erratic too, soon after it started having problems with charging, but I don't except longevity for 10 year old Apple machine.

NENKOWEB was updated.
4 years ago
readingproject 4 years ago

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. It's a sad time.

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NENKOWEB was updated.
4 years ago
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NENKOWEB was updated.
4 years ago
NENKOWEB was updated.
4 years ago
NENKOWEB was updated.
4 years ago
NENKOWEB was updated.
4 years ago

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