
2,440 updates
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moonpr1sm was updated.
11 months ago
moonpr1sm was updated.
11 months ago
moonpr1sm 11 months ago

added some more buttons to my links page + a to do list on the main page!

hii your site is awesome! i enjoyed checking out your manga collection and bugs page especially :D
the update is so cute i almost cried at the plushie section so frikin adorable especially the hyperpop plushie
1 like
moonpr1sm 11 months ago

aww omg thank you so much!! i can't wait to add all the rest of my plushies - i have tons hehe

moonpr1sm was updated.
11 months ago
1 like
cherrycloudchiffon 11 months ago

That's a really good note!

1 like
moonpr1sm 11 months ago

ty cherrycloudchiffon! <333

1 like
Hii thank you so much for sending me the color safe site! I enjoyed reading your post on making sites accessible, I feel really inspired to work on my site more!
punkwasp 11 months ago

Hi! No problem, and thank you so much for the feedback! Glad I could help :D

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Hey! I loved reading your blog post about how much music means to you, looking forward to more in the future!
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burgercities 11 months ago

THANK YOOUU :3 Will be posting more soon.....

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your sound is killer, keep it up <3
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moonpr1sm 11 months ago

Hey thanks so much!! I loved your phoenix poem btw!

super cool music! I love your album Secrets of Pain-Free Living! is it okay if I put you guys on my website archive?
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moonpr1sm 11 months ago

Oh wow thank u so much! I’d be honored :D

1 like
hii thank u for following me! I love how clean and cool your site is, I wanna work on making mine as accessible too!
fri11s 11 months ago

<3 your site is so pretty! Some unsolicited advice, if you're genuinely looking to make your site more accessible - Use darker text (increase the colour contrast) and add alt text onto your images to describe what they are to someone who is visually impaired :D hope that helps guide you!

moonpr1sm 11 months ago

Thank u fri11s, I really appreciate that and I’m gonna work on it soon 🎢 I was kinda thinking the text was too light n def gonna add the alt text!

1 like
punkwasp 11 months ago

since fri11s mentioned colour contrast for accessibility, here's a link to a tool to help with that!

1 like

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CreatedJan 22, 2023
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art music anime videogames journaling