
2,440 updates
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moonpr1sm was updated.
3 months ago
Thank you for the follow. Love your aesthetic!
1 like
moonpr1sm 3 months ago

Hii thank you! I really like your project - it's poignant and very interesting

moonpr1sm was updated.
4 months ago
moonpr1sm was updated.
4 months ago
digibun 4 months ago

this vegan mac recipe looks delicious!! definitely going to try this

1 like
cherrycloudchiffon 4 months ago

Aww, your animal crossing screen shots are cute ^^

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moonpr1sm 4 months ago

thank u both!!

moonpr1sm 4 months ago

i make the vegan mac sooo much lol like every week!

moonpr1sm 4 months ago

also ty cherry - I really gotta get on making the rest of my villagers pages!

moonpr1sm was updated.
5 months ago
moonpr1sm was updated.
5 months ago
cherrycloudchiffon 5 months ago

I know I already left comments about your artwork, but I just want to add that I love your use of vibrant colors for your works! They're so fun to look at ^^

1 like
moonpr1sm 5 months ago

<333 I appreciate that so much!! I love bright colors, it feels really therapeutic to use a lot of color when I draw!

wow ^_^ im enamored by your art, such a joy to my eyeballs
1 like
moonpr1sm 6 months ago

<3333333 omg thank you!! i really like yours too, i love the softness and colors and cute character designs

1 like
moonpr1sm was updated.
6 months ago
cherrycloudchiffon 6 months ago

I like how dreamy and conceptual your works are!

1 like
moonpr1sm 6 months ago

thank you so much !! <333 I really love clouds and sparkles, maaaaybe too much haha!

1 like
love the site <3 (& honestly i'd use the maraquan paintbrush but thats only bc i think the mara pets are some of the few that survived the conversion still looking pretty cool)
1 like
moonpr1sm 8 months ago

thank u so much! <3 i know right i'm torn! I really like mara xweetoks so mayyybe

moonpr1sm was updated.
8 months ago
1 like

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJan 22, 2023
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art music anime videogames journaling