
2,440 updates
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moonpr1sm was updated.
12 months ago
awww your web page is super cute! I can't wait to see more!
1 like
moonpr1sm 12 months ago

hii aww so is yours! <333 ty so much, i'm excited to add more stuff!

1 like
moonpr1sm was updated.
12 months ago
1 like
moonpr1sm was updated.
1 year ago
i loved your plushie collection <3 excited to see more of your site :3
1 like
moonpr1sm 1 year ago

thank you!! <333 I can't wait to update it fully, those are just the ones near my bed right now lol! I love your site - beeku is such a cute character design!

1 like
I checked out your band and you guys are SO GOOD. I'm obsessed :0
1 like
moonpr1sm 1 year ago

omg thank you so much!! That makes me so happy πŸ˜­πŸ’•πŸ’•

1 like
moonpr1sm was updated.
1 year ago
moonpr1sm was updated.
1 year ago
moonpr1sm was updated.
1 year ago
moonpr1sm was updated.
1 year ago

Website Stats

Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJan 22, 2023
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art music anime videogames journaling