
2,440 updates
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moonpr1sm was updated.
10 months ago
cherrycloudchiffon 10 months ago

Ooooh, I want to see your inktober prompt!

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moonpr1sm 10 months ago

i feel like it has a lot of interesting prompts!

yesss i've been playing this game a lot again recently!
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moonpr1sm was updated.
10 months ago
cherrycloudchiffon 10 months ago

I like how you approached your writing! Like how you listed things ^^

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moonpr1sm 10 months ago

thank u! <333 I basically have been treating the site like a little notebook lately!

moonpr1sm was updated.
10 months ago
moonpr1sm was updated.
10 months ago
moonpr1sm was updated.
10 months ago
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moonpr1sm was updated.
10 months ago
moonpr1sm was updated.
10 months ago
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hello! thanks for following me - I really like the selection of articles you did, I'm currently reading the one about dial-up modem sound! So funny to come across that today cause last night I downloaded an mp3 of that sound out of nostalgia lol
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lynnepeskoeyang 10 months ago

omg that's amazing, what are you going to do with it?? i would love to hear that sound remixed in music lol. and thanks for following back! i love your music <3 cult objects reminds me so much of metric (in the best way)

your site's design is so cute-- and i love your plushie page!!
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moonpr1sm 10 months ago

heyy ty so much! I also enjoy your site - it's really cozy with the clean design mixed with celestial backgrounds! I saw your favorite authors - I recently read The Dispossessed and I loved it! I wanna read The Left Hand of Darkness next

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CreatedJan 22, 2023
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art music anime videogames journaling