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You up to absolutely nothing at 8pm BST today? If so, why not try playing MUD2 and participating in the weekly mob bash? EDIT: I've fallen foul of the 10 comment per day limit - so go to if you want to find out a bit more (EDIT 2: got even more questions? just hop into MUD2 and ask in the tearoom!)
friday-girl 6 months ago

No idea how to start playing MUD2? Check out the extremely unfinished page on my site with instructions for how to do just that!

chipsfunfun 6 months ago

what is mud2??

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friday-girl 6 months ago

to answer your question: it's an online multiplayer text-based virtual world (it's pretty much the OG one) from Ye Olde Days, before they had invented things like 'graphics' and 'microtransactions' (and it's completely free to play it nowadays). Also it has permadeath, which keeps things from getting overly stale. Unfortunately, not many people play it nowadays, but I'd say it still holds up rather well to this day

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chipsfunfun 6 months ago

Oh!!! I'll play then lol.

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friday-girl 6 months ago

If you wanna hop in and have a preliminary bit of checking things out, there's a web-based client at (but I'd suggest downloading an actual MUD client, like Mudlet, if you want to have a decent experience)

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CreatedApr 6, 2022
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