The 13th Struggle Blog

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New blog post on the site. It was supposed to have gone up much earlier today, but the update isn't showing for some reason. I'll write another entry in a little bit. Tonight hasn't been a good night.
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the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

Thanks so much :D

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bro i followed the instructions for the 1ds but it didn't work wtf!!!1
Hi Nora, thanks for the follow! Let me know if you have a website button/banner and I'll add you to my page :) Good luck with your site!
Ya'll got any guilty pleasure songs you listen to? Something you wouldn't share with other people? ๐Ÿค”
grossgirl94 4 years ago

ngl all of taylor swift and paramore :/

the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

Lol I still really love the "Riot!" Album tbh

dreamcult 4 years ago

there's a lot of homemade rap i think is largely bad but still vibe heavy with, like slug christ

cybersparkle 4 years ago

Majority of Britney Spears and Shut Up by Black Eyed Peas

teddybear-halo 4 years ago

uuuUUUmmm...all of my music taste is objectively bad ๐Ÿ™ƒ but if I had to choose something REALLY bad, Iโ€™d probably go with old school happy hardcore mixes & eurobeat (think Inital D)

the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

@teddybear-halo I love that stuff!

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Hey Baloo, I stumbled upon a gif I think might you might be interested in! Seems your style. Here's the link.
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baloo 4 years ago

I love Sonic R! Thanks for sending me this!

the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

Added a new blog entry + some personal flair to the main page (mostly old gifs) as well as tweaked the layout to be more appealing. Hope you like the changes! It's 3:30am goodnight lol

pernoctalian 4 years ago

thank god for centered text! i i found it really hard to read the entries on your previous lay out xD

the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

Yeah I wasn't even aware of the issues until I finally pulled the site up on my laptop. I've been doing it all on my phone until then LOL.

Saw you had a banner so I linked you on my page :)
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yourcreativeblog 4 years ago

i'm going to make a link page and link you ! seeing your banner now, i think you need to install a small pixel font onto your desktop, i've been playing with mobile layout bs all day sorry for the delay

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the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

No delay at all! It's cool. And yeah, I actually had to custom make the letterings and then I put them on the image, and then resized the whole thing which of course makes it blurry. I'll look into the small pixel font. Thanks so much!

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yourcreativeblog 4 years ago

you can download free fonts here, but you need winzip, they offer you a free 30 day trial to install the fonts as well maybe ill make a tutorial on it lmaoo

Good morning everyone! Hope you all have a nice day!
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 4, 2020
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blog life 90s aesthetic retro