The 13th Struggle Blog

1,237 updates
0 tips
yo! the very first major update to the site is up. it's a a navigation page to lead to the various other pages I have on my site. please let me know what you think and if it displays properly for you! (it won't on mobile lol) I hope you all have a wonderful week :)
pernoctalian 4 years ago

it looks awesome!!!!

1 like
1999x 4 years ago

so cool! digging the new look!

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the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

thank you very much everyone!

I love your art! Very cute
1 like
Goodnight! Hope you all have a great one tomorrow :)
One of my fav pokemon
Hi everyone! I've finalized my Links/Buttons page and added everyone who's following me to it. If you don't see yours on there, you either don't have one or I couldn't find it! Please link it if you have one and I'll add it ASAP! I'm super proud of this page :) Please let me know if it displays properly for you (it will not on mobile lol)
bmh 4 years ago

Me, me! You forgot me :D My buttons are here: P.S. I like what you did to your Digimon V-pet; the custom paint job looks great!

1 like
the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

Sorry about that! I have yours in the folder not sure how I missed it. Will add to the page. And thank you!

teddybear-halo 4 years ago

your new page looks awesome! your site is really coming along~*~*~ ♥ ^^ my button is here, if you'd like to add it:

1 like
the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

@teddybear-halo Thanks so much!! It really means a lot! And I'll add your button!

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sweethard666 4 years ago

hiya York! <3 I've finally gotten around to making my own button, have just put yours up on my page! Here's the link to mine: <3

the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

Added you guys! Thanks!

rebello 4 years ago

Hey York! I've just started following you, love your page BTW! I've just gotten around to making my own button, you can find it on my button page here: Also, I'm starting my own Links and Buttons page, I'd be happy to return the favour, thanks!

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Hey ya'll. I've been working on some simple navigation icons to link to different pages. I've also been working on a page solely dedicated for my blog posts. Finally, I've made a Links page to link all your buttons to your sites. Just a pointless little update lol. How has everyone's day been?
pernoctalian 4 years ago

good on you! can't wait for the update. my day's boring as per usual lmao

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Hello from The Roozy Zone! Thanks for following.
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teamxc 4 years ago

Also, if you want, you can check out my work-in-progress Amnesia Mod named "RoozyDB-sama: Hate is Peace!" (site URL for the mod is:

1 like
Thanks for following, mate. I don't update often though.
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the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

No worries! Looking forward to when you do

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 4, 2020
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blog life 90s aesthetic retro