
1,431 updates
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Thank you for following!! I really enjoy how simple, yet extremely in depth your website is, I could spend hours reading your whole site and not even be done :3c The subjects of your writings are really interesting too! I'ts cool learning about/hearing your thoughts on Chinese topics, so like I said I don't think I'd get bored reading your site at all (plus your cover image is adorable!)
amari-ga-shin-da 4 months ago

Also to answer your hat question, I don't think the hat in Binetsu has a specific name, but I think it might be either a toque or an Andean chollo? I did also look up "knit hat with bobble and ear flaps," So maybe try that heehee ^^;

saddleblasters 4 months ago

Thank you! a lot of the illusion of depth on my website just comes from it being disorganized and changing how I do thinks every few months. A lot of the older essays in particular are pretty silly and I need to revisit those themes soon. I read your diary and like all your drawings/character designs! If you like rabbits, there's a popular Shanghainese candy brand called "White Rabbit"

amari-ga-shin-da 4 months ago

Oh oh I have a bag of white rabbit in my room right now actually :D I like keeping the wrappers since the designs are so cute, thank you for visiting my website also!!


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CreatedDec 25, 2022
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mobilefriendly literature china poetry blog