Aristasian Reminiscence

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There was some overlap between the otherkin and Aristasian community, to say the least. In case anyone is curious about feelings of otherness, nonhumanity, and alterhumanity within the context of Aristasia, I've written about it here:
aristasia 5 days ago

I simply can't remember if I'd shared this on the feed before, but it seemed pertinent right now.

Aristasia experienced massive changes circa 2005 that ultimately led to the publication of several novels meant to explore the group's beliefs in a fictional setting, including a space adventure and a strange isekai, both said to have been written by "an anime character." Read about it towards the bottom, here:
aristasia 5 days ago

Don't misunderstand. The Aristasians didn't become anime fictionkin, though the feelings of otherness are reminiscent of, well... the kin community, either way.

aristasia 5 days ago

To summarize: in essence, they felt that anime styles were the closest (though nowhere near exact nor perfect) representation of their soul or essential real form, but no specific anime nor character.

aristasia 5 days ago

Either way, this is one part of the movement I did (and still do, to a degree) sympathize (and even empathize) with, but I'll save those thoughts for another page. This thread is too long.

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Recent updates include a rewrite on the page about Aristasia's fascination with physical discipline. Some clippings a friend found address the origin of it, or at least hint at the time period. I also added some information about the fascist John H. Tyndall of the British National Problem, and how/why he was involved in all this. Mind content warnings as usual.
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Last updated 5 hours ago
CreatedDec 5, 2023
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aristasia spirituality pagan otherkin queer