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forestfolke 1 year ago

the liveplay page is sooo fun sonic adventure 2 sounds really challenging but it was funny to read about. So infatuated with the psychonauts males countdown too just wow. wow it's really!

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rh0mbus0fruin 1 year ago

ty! sa2 is a seriously fun game, probably has to be one of my newest fav action platformers. ALSO I'm so tempted to make it a video for that true authencity, we will see...

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forestfolke 1 year ago

always awesome finding a new game to enjoy :-) also i would kill for a video of that. easily read with the intonation of hot dr pepper

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Quick announcement here before I start sending out the emails, the psychonauts fans on the web webring is/has gone through a revamp/redesign! So if it appears that the old/previous version of the webring is broken/dissapeared fear not! You can also replace the dead webring code from the new page with the new webring styles!
badgersaurus 1 year ago

okay the top ten hottest psychonauts males is killing me. truman zanotto is the size of an average human mother

badgersaurus 1 year ago

does this imply he is not a human

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rh0mbus0fruin 1 year ago

MAYBE all we know is that he's the size of an average human mother and that's all you need in the world

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special update will be coming soon for the psychonauts webring...
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CreatedMar 25, 2022
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