Gateway to scifi hell?

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What's the story behind your Isle Of Gold artwork? it's really beautiful
pocl 6 months ago

wow this was 5 months ago and i never replied! fuck! well i will answer your question now and pretend no time has passed. the character featured in it (circleeye) is an alien in self-imposed exile from their own species' society. instead they live (and are politically active in) a human-dominated society where they do an even poorer job of fitting in (1)

pocl 6 months ago

their species is hyper-social in a way that humans are not, and more active at night, so they are chronically lonely in a way we can't really understand. but at the same time their decision to exile themselves comes from this love and attachment to this new world they're now living in. so i wanted to capture that bittersweet feeling. they love this world and see beauty in it but they will never fully belong (2)

pocl 6 months ago

the city they're watching is the nation capital and also where they live and work. the shadow in the sky is the gas giant that the habitable moon orbits! it is barely eclipsing the solar system's binary stars. i decided to leave it unclear if circleeye was watching the beginning of the eclipse, or the end

pocl 6 months ago

i'm really glad you like it!!

test but i write for a longer time, because i guess maybe there's a minimum text limit? none of my posts here show up for me.

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedApr 11, 2022
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personal art writing