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Your article about waifuism was very intriguing, thank you for sharing your thoughts! I've been a member of a few reddit communities for a year or two now, and I can see why you dislike them so... There's been an increase of constant posting, like a lot of people have to 'prove' their relationship (I've dubbed it the "tiktokification" of fictosexuality). (1)
I've been on the fence about deleting my account and using smaller circles instead, like you, I have found smaller communities to be more welcoming/understanding, as being in love with a fictional character isn't easy and there's no 'set-in-stone' way to have a relationship with one like these communities like to present. Thank you for the food for thought!
mrszenigata -- thank you for ur comment! It means a lot :> I def recommend sticking to smaller circles if you have issues with bigger ones, they're way more cozy