
885 updates
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I think some people still haven't seen them, but there are buttons for the directory you can add to your site once you've been accepted! on the site preview they're on the home page but actually they're on the join page now I believe.
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dumb neocities not letting you reply to comments but thank you so much that's like the nicest thing I've ever heard 😭😭😭
pinkvampyr 1 year ago

that means so much to me

tysm for the follow! your art and website are so cute ;u;
mothsbee 1 year ago

I could've sworn I followed you earlier but I fixed it now lol!! you're seriously one of my biggest inspirations on neocities πŸ₯ΊπŸ’ž!!

forgot to add the update here but a couple of new websites have been added to the directory! make sure to subscribe to the rss feed for all the updates in more detail β™‘
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pinkvampyr 1 year ago

I'm sometimes a little too exhausted to remember to update both the rss and the page πŸ˜… apologies

ok i've officially migrated all my guestbook comments over to my new one. haven't styled it though because IIIII ammmm lazy.
pinkvampyr 1 year ago

i'll do it....eventually..

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wrt how I got shadow banned, at least 4 people weren't a fan of me and blocked me (alternatively 1 person made a bunch of accounts and blocked me, but i have no evidence of this). the previous shadow ban system meant 4 or more blocks = shadow ban. the logic being if you're blocked by that many people you must be a jerk spouting hate speech or something.
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scopefilter 1 year ago

The logic of shadowbanning people who have a certain number of bans makes sense, but you're right that some of it may be noiseif it's the same person banning someone multiple times. Anyway I'm happy the threshold got lifted.

okay! Kyle responded to my github and upped the "jerk filter" count to 25 blocks! I still think it's not a great system but lots of people should be unshadowbanned now or soon! spread the word!
pencilvoid 1 year ago

i feel like it would make sense if the threshold for the jerk filter scaled with the number of followers you have..... follower count seems like a good enough measure for reputation

scopefilter 1 year ago

I don't understand how you got banned in the first place.

emeowly 1 year ago

so glad its raised but 25 still feels too low for a punishment that is basicly given out by USERS 😭 it definitely should scale with follower count at least

seeing people rec catbox as an alternative to hosting on discord so I'll say it here again: catbox is blocked in multiple countries, if you host your stuff on there people from other places may not be able to see it without a VPN
pinkvampyr 1 year ago

can catbox just die already anyway....I hate using that website its so creepy. I would never recommend anyone use it. hosting onsite is almost always better. loads faster too. you're not gonna run out of space unless you're hosting like. videos.

pinkvampyr 1 year ago

it was recommended on that tumblr post and I'm just like noooo

pencilvoid 1 year ago

shoutouts to that one Tumblr post for recommending Neocities for hosting despite Neocities having an explicit "no hotlinking" policy

wrt the shadow ban thing you can tell if you try to comment on someone's page (that isnt following you) and you cant.
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dabric 1 year ago

went on neocities github to find thait its likely the jerk detecton, and i assume we did the same as i also found your github issue lol. πŸ‘ed it

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LOL okay I guess I got shadowbanned too. cool.
punkwasp 1 year ago

how are so many of my mutuals getting shadowbanned recently what the heck

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dabric 1 year ago

how can you tell?

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CreatedMar 13, 2022
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