muse ariadne writing club

492 updates
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hi!! i'd like to join the club! my muse page is at edit: oh! and my button is on my links page
transferns 2 months ago

i also already did the promt for this week :3

tehuan 2 months ago

yay! i'll add you as soon as i can :]

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finished my piece for this week’s prompt :] i stole a bit from an old piece that always felt grounding to me
i'm stealing from adrienne maree brown & my professor who stole from them this week. take on this beautiful prompt! begin by writing a list of everyone and everything you commit to caring for. think expansively-- individual people, groups, animals, places, ideas. then, turn your list into a protection spell/prayer/intention (whichever one feels best)
tehuan 2 months ago

reminder to share yr work on this page if you’d like !! i love to see what all y’all are writing :] and i know you like seeing each other’s work too !

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new prompt for this week is up! i want to note ahead of time that you do not have to worry about being insensitive. although the context that brought me to think about fire is the current ones in california, i won't mind & encourage thinking about fires in other ways, too :]
museariadne 2 months ago

the prompt: living in california, it's hard not to be thinking about fire right now. think about a moment you've had with fire or explore how fire can be beautiful, dangerous, natural, harmonious, destructive, growth-inducing, tragic, etc

hello! i just joined - my sitebutton can be found on my homepage!
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hi everyone! i’m sorry i’ve dropped off the face of the earth a bit. chronic illness issues have generally gotten the better of me & destroyed my creativity for a bit, plus the fires in cali have made things more chaotic. i’d like to try and bring this club back to life, but i need y’all’s help to do so !
tehuan 2 months ago

first off, i’ve posted it before, but it truly is helpful for you all to suggest prompt ideas ! thinking of 48 prompts a year is a lot, and it’d be great to know what y’all want more of !

tehuan 2 months ago

second off !! i, a while ago, made a discord server to encourage general creativity with one another that’s died down a bit. i’d love for this to also serve as a sort of communal hub for muse ariadne !! so if you guys want to interact with one another more in general or over our writing, please consider joining !

tehuan 2 months ago

if y’all have any other ideas for things you’d want to make this a more collaborative & lively space, please do share ! and i’m also happy to let you take charge !! i’d definitely consider letting others have access to the site page in order to do so, or just running discord events, etc

Hello!! I just joined museariadne just a few moments ago!! You can find my button in the "sites I like page"(go to sitemap!)
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tehuan 2 months ago

lovely! i’ll add you now. i’m so sorry it took a while to get back to you— life has been chaotic and i sort of dropped off the face of the earth for a minute !

new prompt is up ! this one is simply to come up with a title and write a piece around it

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedFeb 7, 2024
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writing club prompts