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So, I found a new host calld, so I'm deleting this site and starting over...again. Any webste ideas? I may start to do pop culture reviews
yupthatsme 7 years ago

*called :p

arkmsworld 7 years ago sure it's still alive? The forum hasn't been posted to since 2012 and their FB page died about the same time.

owlman 7 years ago

Yeah, I really would not use, the website is really broken and a pain in the arse to use

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yupthatsme 7 years ago

I saw that, but none of my images work so I feel as if this is a waste of time :/

Starting over from scratch :/
Can anyone help me? I'm so confused bc my website shows up perfectly on my computer, but doesn't on my phone??? ??
signalsolonset 7 years ago

I'm on my pc and your main page, and others, are missing images. This is my view:

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strata 7 years ago

Try hosting the images yourself or changing every http to https.

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signalsolonset 7 years ago

He should just add them to neocities and just call upon them that way. Every one of those errors is a link with https, but the sites are just dead or something. 404 errors everywhere and connections timing out.

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yupthatsme 7 years ago

He? Did you just assume my gender??? All jokes aside, thanks for the help!

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My pictures and dividers aren't working....what's wrong with them??? :((
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unfilledspace 7 years ago

Change http to https in all the embedded content.

unfilledspace 7 years ago

If the sites you are embedding don't support https then you will have to link them or host the same content on another site such as Imgur and link it from there :-)

yupthatsme 7 years ago

Thank you so much!

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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedNov 20, 2016
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personal blog writing art 90s