HOUDINI Magazine: Culture, Art, Politics and the Unconventional

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Spoke with someone who's a teacher today. Asking me for advice, asking me what to do. I told him, just being in your position and existing is resistance enough. Told him that many of my audience are very young, the same age as the high schoolers he teaches. Told him that much of the youth is beginning to understand the task ahead of us.
saltedslug 4 days ago

Exactly. I used to teach, and that's the same way I felt about it. I definitely commie'd up my lessons in subtle ways, and I was always open and honest with them. That's the most important thing you can do, so long as it's safe for your position. I didn't have a lot of oversight, so I got away with quite a bit of things I shouldn't have, even in a very conservative (voucher-oriented, blech) state.


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politics horror goth underground culture