The 13th Struggle Blog

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Not going to lie, I miss the MIDI version of Celebrate on your website. Maybe it's just because I enjoy the song, but loved the vibe with that cool GIF background you've got.
the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

I miss it too Baloo but I had some complaints about it haha! I've got other plans for it though on a new page. I can't possibly have an old style website without some MIDI tracks.

baloo 4 years ago

Maybe an embedded Youtube video? What I'm going to try to do is see how I can generate a different embedded youtube video on each visit of my Guestbook for some cool jams.

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the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

I'd like to see that! I'll keep an eye out.

baloo 4 years ago

Hey York, I made a new more thematic button for my website!

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the-13th-struggle 4 years ago

Thanks Baloo, I'll update it right now!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 4, 2020
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blog life 90s aesthetic retro