Morry's Illusion

575 updates
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uploaded a new 88x31 button for my site! :)
paintkiller 1 year ago

Added! Nice one!

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morrysillusion 1 year ago

new blog contains resources for abortion funds+orgs. be there for those who need it right now

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so i need a lil help with getting some pages to be more mobile friendly (just readable). mostly my about page... its mostly that i just can get things to say in line/not shrink and its the oldest coded page i have still, i would probably just rewrite it completely but im too lazy -_-;; if anyone wants to help leave a comment/tell me where i could PM lol
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morrysillusion 1 year ago

i *think* can update my general blog just fine since its less stuff, but my about page is a mess lol

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korova 1 year ago

found this the other day, i'm slowly incorporating it into my website. hope it helps!

korova 1 year ago

adding this to the html for your pages can help how stuff is viewed on mobile as well, just mess with the values how you want your pages to be scaled:

korova 1 year ago

it wouldn't post lol so it's here:

Thanks so much for the follow! I was reading your about page and completely understand how you feel about social media. Glad you decided to step back and get creative! Keep it up!
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another update and the about page should have working ccs now, i also added tons of buttons. if you have a button i didnt add, lemme know! (will try and make some new ones for my site too!)
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morrysillusion 1 year ago

BIG overhaul of the site design! (the thumbnails here dont seem to show it for me) so be sure to clear cache/do a hard refresh on the pages :D

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morrysillusion 1 year ago

for the moment my about page will be broken;; ill fix it soon

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Thanks for the follow! I added your button to my site.
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Last updated 10 hours ago
CreatedMar 20, 2022
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